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How can an organization improve its image and reputation?

By Diego Bouquet Roldan

January 5, 2024 | 5 min read

In a world where perceptions are formed in seconds, a company’s image and reputation are critical to its success. How can a company improve its reputation? Let’s explore key strategies, from a commitment to quality to crisis management. But it doesn’t stop there; online reputation is just as important as offline. We will learn how to build a positive digital reputation, emphasizing the importance of digital identity.

A company’s image and reputation are fundamental assets that directly influence its success or failure. We live in a highly visual age where perceptions of the things around us are formed in a matter of seconds. A recent Forrester study found that monitoring brand reputation accounts for more than 33% of an organization’s social media listening activities.

But why is it so important to understand the concepts that shape reputation? Reputation is a consumer’s perception of a particular brand. This perception doesn’t always match the image the company is trying to project, but is shaped by how consumers perceive it. It is the result of experiences, projections, feelings and emotions, whether internal or external.

In addition, reputation can be of three types: positive, negative or neutral. A positive reputation not only makes a brand known, but also earns respect and consideration from others. Negative reputation, on the other hand, occurs when people develop an unfavorable view of a particular organization, for example, because of misconduct or ethical lapses.

Neutral reputation occurs when the brand is unknown and people have no opinion about it, either positive or negative, nor do they know why they should have one.

How can a company’s reputation be improved?

Improving a company’s image and reputation is a multifaceted process that requires a strategic and consistent approach. Here are some key strategies for achieving this:

  1. Commitment to Quality and Integrity: The quality of products or services plays a critical role in how customers perceive a company. Maintaining high standards of quality and operating with integrity goes a long way toward building a strong reputation.
  2. Transparency: Transparency is essential to building trust. Clear and open communication, both internally and externally, helps dispel misunderstandings and builds a reputation for honesty.
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Companies that demonstrate a commitment to CSR and make a positive contribution to society often enjoy a better reputation. Engaging in social and environmental initiatives can make a difference.
  4. Dealing with sensitive crises: This factor is critical to a brand’s reputation, as there is little time to retract unplanned impulses or statements during a serious situation. According to statistics, 90% of marketing and communications executives have a crisis communications plan, but only 58% say it is “up to date” and only 40% are “working on reviewing” it.

A company’s reputation is built over time, but it can also be proactively improved every day.

How do you build a positive digital reputation?

Today, digital reputation is just as important as offline reputation. However, protecting a brand means not only being aware of what is being said on social media, but also proactively managing the perception of the brand.

Here are some tips on how to create a positive digital reputation:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implementing effective SEO strategies ensures that the company appears in relevant search results, which directly influences users’ first impressions of the brand.
  2. Quality Content: Creating and sharing relevant and valuable content on digital platforms establishes the company as an authority in its industry and positively contributes to its reputation.
  3. Social media management: Digital spaces are critical to building a digital reputation. Keeping profiles up to date, participating in relevant conversations, and managing comments professionally are essential practices.

What is digital identity reputation?

Digital identity reputation refers to the public’s perception of a company in the digital environment. This identity is built through online interactions, reviews, shared content, and social media presence.

A company’s image and reputation are valuable assets that require ongoing and strategic attention. It should not be based on a digital strategy alone, but rather on a combination of digital strategy and ethical business practices.

A positive digital identity increases credibility and trust, both on a business and personal or professional level, to the extent that it can influence job and professional opportunities, as potential customers are the ones who research a brand’s online presence the most. On a personal level, a positive digital identity facilitates social interactions and builds strong relationships.

Digital identity reputation is an inescapable reality in today’s connected world. Understanding and strategically managing this critical aspect not only impacts public perception, but also plays an essential role in building relationships with current and future customers.

Consciously and strategically managing this digital facet is essential to building strong relationships and advancing various business objectives. Clazzy presents itself as an indispensable ally to enhance your online presence, manage your corporate identity and ensure that every interaction contributes positively to your reputation.